How to get started with Done Desk

Welcome! As the administrator, there are just a few first steps to get started:

  • Complete Your Account Registration
  • Invite Your Employees To Done Desk
  • Assign the course: New Employee Tutorial
  • Assign any additional courses to your employees!

Complete your Account Registration

Once you’ve logged in as the administrator, you should verify your address and add any additional practice locations to Done Desk. This will allow your employees to pick a location where they work as they register for Done Desk.

Invite Your Employees

On the Dashboard at the top of the page, click Invite Employees

At the top of the employee page type in the employees First name, Last name, the Email address.  If you want this person to be an administrator then check Make Admin box.

Click Send Invitation. 

Repeat as needed! 

Assign The Course: 

Done Desk Tutorial: New Employee

  1. Click on the course title: Done Desk Tutorial: New Employee
  2. At the bottom right click- New Assignment
  3. Select the location or employees that you would like to take this course
  4. Click Assign & Notify
  5. Done! 

Assign Additional Courses

There are two ways to assign courses to employees.

Employee Route

  1. At the left in the blue navigation click on Employees
  2. Click on the employee name that needs training.
  3. Scroll down to the Assigned Courses section
  4. On the right in the blue box click + New Assignment.
  5. Select the courses you want the employee to take
  6. Click Assign & Notify
  7. Done!

Courses Route

  1. At the left in the blue navigation click on Courses
  2. Click on the course title you wish to assign
  3. At the bottom right click the blue box +New Assignment
  4. Select the locations or employees for the assigned course
  5. Click Assign & Notify
  6. Done!

You’re on your way to getting started with Done Desk! Keep an eye out for new course announcements as we update!

Be sure to check out our other tutorials!