How do you add employee documents?

Learn how to get your employee documents added to Done Desk to track them and keep them from expiring

The Account Owner, Admins, and Employees are able to upload employee documents using one of the methods below to track them in Done Desk.  

Step 1:

Get to the Document Upload screen using either method.

Method 1 (Account Owner, Admins or Employee)

  1. Log in to the Done Desk
  2. Go to “Employees”
  3. Click “Employee Records”
  4. Click on the employee’s name
    NOTE: If the employee is uploading a document, they will appear on this page when they log in.  
  5. Click “+New Document”

Method 2 (Account Owner or Admins ONLY)

  1. Login to the Done Desk
  2. Go to “Employees”
  3. Click “Documents”
  4. Click “+New Document”
  5. Select the employee’s name

Step 2:

Add the document 

  1. Choose the document type
  2. Include a summary, if desired
  3. Upload the document
  4. Include an expiration date, if needed
    NOTE: If an expiration date is not included, Done Desk will indicate that the document will never expire
  5. Save